1994 (Vol.4, Iss.1) - Best Genesis Action/Platform Game of the Year.
1994 (Vol.4, Iss.1) - Best Overall Action/Platform Game of the Year.
1994 (Vol.4, Iss.1) - Best Game of the Year.
Issue #4 - #7 in the "Top 100 Video Games of All-Time" list.
Vimm's Lair is funded solely through advertising and strives to keep ads as unobtrusive as possible. The PC and Sega CD versions add among other things, a new weapon not included on the original 16-bit console versions: the seeker missile. Download 'Earthworm Jim' for the Super Nintendo. TV series Earthworm Jim inspired an animated TV series by the same name. Now Jim must make it to Princess-Whats-Her-Name by staying clear of Psy-Crow, the intergalactic bounty hunter. Download 'Earthworm Jim 2 (SMD)' for the WiiWare. Then a cosmic twist of fate placed him in control of an ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit. The between-level races against Psycrow, called "Andy Asteroids", are most likely a reference to one of the game's programmers, Andy Astor. He was once just a spineless, dirt eater with no real mission in life. Reception Earthworm Jim was the first game ever to receive a perfect score of 100% from the European gaming magazine Games Master. Alleged groovy guy Earthworm Jim will be making an appearance on WiiWare and other download networks, as confirmed by publishers Interplay. The Mega Drive version of Earthworm Jim appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.įinishing the game in the easy difficulty setting shows you a different ending that consists of a rather verbose scientific description of earthworms, as well as their habitats, mating customs, etc.