After the giveaway expires, Into The Breach will return to its full price of $15, which might not be much compared to the cost of modern AAA titles, but it'ss money you could have saved if you've been itching to try out the sci-fi strategy game. Into the Breach ascribes to many of the same design principles. Anyone with an existing account (which is also free) can redeem a digital copy of this Pacific Rim-esque, turn-based strategy title, but don't wait too long. Into the Breachis free on the Epic Games Store until Thursday, September 10 at 11 a.m. Every now and then, Epic throws in an indie title to keep things fresh and this weeks' freebie is a sci-fi themed strategy game that you'll be hooked on from your first (and probably failed) playthrough. The Epic Games Store has given members access to some of the best-known titles of this generation of gaming, like Grand Theft Auto Vand Hitman. For additional information you can visit their store page by clicking on this link. Each attempt to save the world presents a new randomly generated challenge in this turn-based strategy game. But you better act fast, because it'll be gone in just a few days. Play through 100 tiers in the Season 4 Battle Pass to unlock Free and. Control powerful mechs from the future to defeat an alien threat.

PC gamers always have a free game waiting for them at the beginning of every week on the Epic Games Store, and right now the freebie is a game once described as a mix between Pacific Rim and Edge of Tomorrow that plays a bit like Final Fantasy Tactics.